Rubber Stone Surface

Quick Links: Introduction | Stays Cool | Slip Resistant | Customizable | Cost Effective

Rubber Stone is a proprietary product developed in Canada. Canada has very harsh winters and mild summers and the creators of Rubber Stone wanted to create a surface that could withstand drastic temperature changes. Until Rubber Stone, and other lesser products like it, cracked and worn surfaces were just a part of life. Rubber Stone changed all that. Rubber Stone can be applied right over a worn, cracked and uneven surface. The result is beautiful, long lasting, and easy to maintain.

Since the first days of Rubber Stone, the product has been improved and applied to surfaces in some of the most harshest clients on earth. From the extreme heat here in Alabama to the extreme cold of Washington State and Canada, Rubber Stone outlasts any other surfacing product out there.

Stays Cool in the Heat

Over two decades ago, Dr. John T. McElveen founded Carolina Ear & Hearing Clinic, PC, a private medical and surgical practice specializing in the diseases of the ear. As experts in Otology and Neurotology, our team focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disorders involving the ear, its related skull base structures, and specific areas of the central nervous system. Both are highly specialized areas, requiring at least five years of residency training, in addition to completion of medical school and Otology and Neurotology fellowship training.

Let's face it, Alabama gets hot and so do our pool decks and patios. A Rubber Stone surface stays cooler in the heat of summer than other surfacing and resurfacing options. Running tracks, playgrounds, and surfaces in public areas use a rubberized surface for this very reason.

Slip Resistant

One of the biggest benefits of Rubber Stone is its ability to provide superior traction, even when it's wet.

The CDC estimates that 11 people die every day from accidental pool drownings. Unfortunately many of these are children. Slipping and falling in the pool is a factor that contributes to this statistic and shouldn't be taken lightly.

The fact is, kids run and play. As many times as you tell them not to run around the pool, they still do. Concrete, tile, and even wood surfaces can get extremely slipper when sealed properly and become an extreme hazard, especially when it's wet.

Rubber Stone can reduce this risk by providing a slip-resistant surface that is both textured, and sponge-like.


If you are looking to create a pool oasis in your backyard, Rocket City Rubber Stone can make it happen. With Rubber Stone, design and color options are virtually limitless. We can combine colors to create something unique for you. Rubber Stone is only limited by the imagination. We suggest taking a look at our photo gallery for some example.

Cost Effective

IF you are looking for a cost effective resurfacing option other than concrete or wood, Rubber Stone may be just the right fit.

When Rubber Stone is applied by a licensed dealer, who has gone through hours of training, the finished surface can last for decades.

It requires less prep work, shorter application time, shorter curing time, is easier to maintain, provides a superior surface for heavy foot traffic areas, and maintenance can be done on your own every 3-5 years.

While you might pay a little more up front, you'll reap the benefits of Rubber Stone for years to come.